Easy Shopping with Pure Privilege

Dear Friend,

Recently, my friend and client, Jenny, shared the following and she suggested I share it with you. Here’s what she wrote:

“Wow, Lori!  I guess I really understand how cool the Pure Privilege program is now!

After my last massage appointment, the nice young woman at your reception desk helped me check my Pure Privilege points balance. Then, she told me about all of the different products and services that I could get using my points. I was shocked to hear what I could get!

You know Lori, there are a lot of places that have rewards programs and give you coupons or little plastic cards that hang on your keychain or whatever — and a lot of times, frankly, they seem to be more trouble than they’re worth.

Well, after just buying an item here and  there, I had racked-up over 9000 points!  I went home and signed-on to the website and was so happy to see I had enough for so many things! They make it easy and have many different products you can get by redeeming different amounts of points. Finally, I decided on:

A full-sized jar of Stress Fix lotion (my favorite!) A full-sized tube of Beautifying cream Cleansing Oil


A full-sized Botanical Kinetics Purifying Cream Cleanser

It was easy to quickly make the order and I didn’t even have to pay for shipping — and now I have three great gifts for my daughter!”

Wow!  That is MY kind of shopping!

Hearing stories like that is why we here at Lori’s are always encouraging our guests to participate in Aveda Pure Privilege Rewards.  We think it’s the best “give-back” program out there.  Did you know that:

* For each dollar you spend on products, you earn 10 points?

* If it’s double or *triple* points time, you receive 20 or 30 points for every dollar spent?

* You can redeem points for seven tiers of gifts (products and services!), beginning at 1,500 points?


And, as my friend Jenny pointed out, make a purchase “here and there” and those points really start adding up!  So, stop into Lori’s this week and find out more about Aveda Pure Privilege Rewards.  And, if you’re already a rewards member, you might even have enough to do a little “shopping”  yourself.  Check it out!


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